Take Notes
By selecting the Write a note option from the blue Add Activity button selection, you’re able to record, save and share notes with ease.
Each note will need to have at least one other person added. However, you can select whether or not to share this note with your team member via privacy feature.
Checking the ‘Privacy’ box will not share this activity with your team member and ensure that only you are able to view these notes.
Note: You adjust the privacy of this note at any time by checking or un-checking this box while inside the note editor window.
As with most other activities, you can choose to associate these notes with a team member’s active goal, if there is one, focus areas, or other relevant tags located along the right-hand side.
Edit your note
If at any time, you need to edit your notes (private or shared), navigate to your coachee's Profile, locate, and click on the note in the activity feed. This will open a pop-up where you can edit its title, description, add additional links, etc.
Should you need to Delete a piece of evidence or a resource at any time, you'll also find this option in the note editor window on the right-hand side.