How can I communicate with my coachees?
TeachBoost Coach provides coaches and coachees an easy-to-use, collaborative platform for sharing and communicating throughout the coaching process.
Comment on Activities
Coaches and coachees are able to communicate directly by adding comments to the ‘Updates’ section located at the bottom of any activity within TeachBoost Coach.
Comments can be added to any of your scheduled events, like Meetings and Visits, as well as non-event activities, like Action Steps, Notes, Evidence, and Resources.
Once your comment has been saved, it will be available for your coachee to view once they next log into their TeachBoost Coach dashboard. You may also notify the coachee of your comment by utilizing the ‘Send email notifications to…’ checkbox.
Pro-tip: By default, the email notifications box will be automatically checked, so be sure to unselect if you do not want your attendees to receive an email.
Your coachees are able to reach out or respond by adding their own comments for you on their designated activities.
Write Notes
Utilizing the 'Notes' option from the Activity Menu is another way to directly communicate with your coachees in-app. This will allow you to share any thoughts, suggestions, or ideas without tying it directly to an event or activity.
Learn more about Notes in our dedicated help doc.
Check out the GIF below to see what these coach communications look like for teachers!